Dr. Lemia Shaban

Dr Lemia’s has always had a passion to help people. She uses this passion to help people optimize their health and reduce disease. People often come to see her that have found no help elsewhere. Dr Lemia’s approach is to look at the whole person rather than just their symptoms or their diagnosis in isolation. She views wellness as a balance of physical, mental and spiritual and all of these need to be present and recognized for optimal living. Her aim is to restore balance and health by finding and addressing the root causes of symptoms.

Dr. Lemia has a BSc in Biochemistry/MSc in Public health Nutrition/ PhD in Clinical Nutrition. She is also Registered Dietitian (USA) and an IFM certified practitioner with 17+ publications.

Practice information


A first consultation will last approximately 90 minutes where Dr.Lemia will to ask specific questions and use diagnostic tools to gain a deeper understanding of all aspects of your health including medical history, lifestyle factors, dietary choices , and current concerns and goals. She will also explain and educate the client on body systems in order for client to have a better understanding of their own health. Follow up sessions will be 60 minutes and often involve dietary changes, techniques to enhance health,& any modifications deemed necessary. Additionally, functional tests can be done (sent abroad) to give further insight into health conditions in order to find the underlying cause of illness.

Functional Medicine

  • Autoimmune Disease
  • Digestive disorders
  • Fatigue
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Hypertension
  • Migraines and
  • Headaches


Florida International University, Miami, USA

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND)

Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice
Biotransformation (formerly Detox) Advanced Practice Module
Cardiometabolic Advanced Practice Module
Energy Advanced Practice Module
GI Advanced Practice Module
Hormone Advanced Practice Module
Immune Advanced Practice Module

Consultations Online

NUVU Functional Health Center​
Al-Salmiya, Jouhara Complex, 3 Baghdad St​
Al jouhara tower, tower 1, floor 1, unit 111​
Kuwait, Kuwait KW
+965 6646 5000