Khalid Shukari, MD , ABAARAM ,FCCM

Dr.Shukari has 30 years background vast experience & Specialization in Internal Medicine, Critical Care Medicine and Dignitary Protective Medicine. Dr.Sukhari is an American Board Certified in Anti-Aging & Regenerative medicine and a training Follow in Anti Aging, Metabolic and functional Medicine by American Academy  for Anti Aging Medicine. He strives to support clients and Patients in a functional medicine holistic approach to all anti-aging related disorders form detection, prevention and treatment and reversal.

Dr. Shukri goal is to support patients achieve vitality and healthy energetic productive lifespan by optimal wellness ,lifestyle changes, personalized dietary protocol, stress control , exercise and  sleep quality .he conducts virtual world wide consultations successfully.

His expertise and skills include: Biotransformation, detoxification, Hormone replacement therapy, integrative medicine, functional medicine. neurological disease, Epigenetics, Nutrigenomics, Nutrition in Cancer and chronic diseases, Phototherapy,Mens Health and Womens Wellness.

Practice information

A first consultation will last approximately 60-90 minutes where Dr.Khalid will conduct a comprehensive 360 degree holistic functional medicine systems-oriented approach to a patient-centered care.

to gain a deeper understanding of all aspects of your health including medical history, lifestyle factors, dietary choices ,digestive issues, brain health, musculoskeletal health, Hormone imbalances, detoxification, and current concerns and goals.

He will then provide a healthy anti aging medicine  solution platform which has the root cause of your health issues and  advanced diagnostic tools so a  proper  tailored customized personal medicine management  plan can be provided  he will also explain and educate the client on body systems in order for client to have a better understanding of their own health.the goal is to restore health, optimize wellness with a healthy vibrant energetic productive lifespan.

  • Do you want to live a healthier life?
  • Prevent future disorders?
  • Feel younger and more vibrant?

Anti-Aging medicine employs the latest scientific research, advances in biotechnology, and clinical preventive medicine to slow down conditions associated with aging. Through preventive screenings, early disease detection, prompt intervention, and optimal nutrition, anti-aging physicians help fight and slow down age-related disease and dysfunction.

Your biological age is not the same as your chronological age. In unhealthy people, the biological age is often measured to be much higher than their real age. On the other hand, healthy people are often seen as much younger that they actually are. Anti-aging medicine focuses on slowing down the biological aging process by treating and preventing age-related disease on the molecular and cellular level.

In traditional medicine, physicians attempt to address the processes of illness and control its symptoms. A traditional doctor will prescribe medicine to help mask individual disease symptoms. Because prescription drugs have undesired side effects, they tend to cause further problems in the patient's body. These secondary symptoms are not the result of the underlying disease, but rather the effect of medication used to alleviate the original symptoms. The patient receives more drugs and the downward spiral of masking disease with prescription drugs continues. The physician's role is often reduced to managing drugs and not patient's health.

Anti-aging medicine deals with the actual physiological and biochemical causes for diseases and age-related disorders. Anti-aging doctors focus on treating the body at the microscopic, cellular, and biochemical levels. Anti-aging physicians find and treat the cause of disease, and not simply prescribe medication to mask disease symptoms. Instead of maintaining disease in its current state, anti-aging medicine emphasizes the need to improve health, optimize performance, and increase the quality of life for the patient.

In anti-aging medicine, prevention of future disease is just as important as treating an existing one. The best way to treat any medical condition is to prevent one in the first place. Active screening, early diagnosis, latest laboratory testing, modern medical imaging technologies, and prompt intervention are fundamental in helping patients avoid serious life-threatening diseases.

If you can prevent future diseases, you don't have to be treated. An anti-aging physician will help you identify important risk factors and design a customized treatment to avoid getting sick. By optimizing health, improving nutrition, and making positive adjustments to your lifestyle, you can minimize the risks of major diseases:

  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Stroke
  • Cerebrovascular disorders
  • Dementia
  • Alzheimer's

Anti-aging medicine focuses on optimizing health, maintaining wellness, reducing known risk factors, prevention of diseases, pre-emptive testing,and slowing down age-related diseases.

Anti-aging medicine emphasizes an integrative and holistic approach to treating the body and the mind. Anti-aging physicians focus on health optimization and often combine a variety of methods to optimize their patients' health:

  • Lifestyle modification
  • Fitness and exercise coaching
  • Weight loss support
  • Nutritional planning
  • Detoxification
  • Vitamin supplementation
  • Nutritional supplementation
  • Regenerative medicine
  • Hormone therapy
  • BHRT for men
  • BHRT for women
  • Wellness optimization
  • Body and mind regeneration
  • Aesthetic procedures
  • Sleep disorder treatment
  • Stress management
  • Acupuncture
  • Spiritual balance
  • Meditation and prayer
  • Adrenal Fatigue
  • Aging
  • Allergy & Food Sensitivity
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Autoimmune Disease
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Chronic Asthma
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Depression & Anxiety
  • Diabetes
  • Eating Disorders
  • Fatigue
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Gastrointestinal Disorders
  • High Cholesterol
  • Infertility
  • Menopause
  • Weight Gain

Anti Aging Medicine

Functional Medicine

Regenerative Medicine

Metabolic Medicine

Internal Medcine

Critical Care Medicine



Adrenal Fatigue

Allergies: Seasonal & Food

Alzheimer’s Prevention & Treatment

Anti Aging& Prevention



Autoimmune Disease

Cancer Support

Cardiovascular Disease

Cholesterol Management

Chronic Fatigue

Chrohn’s& Colitis


Diabetes Support and reversal

Digestive Health


Fertility Support


Hormone Imbalance



Leaky Gut

Lyme Disease

Memory Loss


Mental Health

Men’s Health

Weight management


Weight Management

Neurodegenerative conditions ( MS, Parkisonism)

Mitochondrial illness


Accept Insurance
Online consultation

College of Medicine ,King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

American Academy for Anti Aging Medicine

World Federation Societies Intensive & Critical Care