Wild Caught Fish, Grass-Fed Meat and Free-Range Poultry, Eggs and (Raw, Unpasteurized) Cheeses

What an animal eats before you eat it, is of extreme importance to you. Commercially raised meats, including fish, poultry and livestock are fed a diet of corn and corn byproducts, soy and soy hulls, discarded brewery grain, etc.
A similar diet is fed to farmed fish, and free-range poultry. Animals were not meant to eat grains and the grains actually make the animals sickly, creating a need for antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals. Antibiotics are also routinely given to cattle, fish and poultry in an effort to fatten them up and make them grow faster. All of this remains in the meat you eat.
The old adage, “you are what you eat” is the same for animals. Animals fed a junk-food diet, and raised in dirty, overcrowded conditions do not create the nutritionally sound protein or healthy fats that naturally raised animals do. And most of the toxins that remain from the pesticides and other additives given to them are stored in their fat and livers, so not only do you not get healthy fats eating CAFO (commercially raised meat), you get a mouthful of toxic chemicals.
Naturally raised, antibiotic and hormone free cattle, poultry and fish contain the highest amounts of nutrients possible, because these animals are eating their natural diet. Their fat contains more of the healthy omega 3 fats and other essentially fatty acids as well.
And one more thing—animals and fish raised in large commercial feeding operations are mistreated, live a miserable life and are sick and crowded. It takes a massive amount of water to raise them and their filthy, toxic excrement pollutes the oceans, seas and the land—and your body!

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